In the dialog of “Adobe Acrobat Reader Properties”click on the “Compatibility” tab.Select the “Properties” option, and a dialog box will open.Click on the Adobe Acrobat Reader application.Other ways to fix this error is by repairing the program or updating the Adobe Acrobat Reader application. You can also do it from the preferences of Adobe Acrobat Reader. You should know that there are many ways to do it, the first of these is by entering the configuration. If you want to know how to solve when Adobe Acrobat Reader does not start correctly in Windows 11. How to fix when Adobe Acrobat Reader does not start properly in Windows 11?

However, you should not worry since this fault can have several solutions. This fault can occur just at the moment that users try to access the program. But it is common for some users may experience errors that prevent you from being able to use the program. The Adobe Acrobat Reader program is one of the most used to edit and manipulate PDF files.